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Friday, July 25, 2008


I fried fish tonight for supper, and it was yummy. :o)

My boys inhaled their supper; I bet it's easily been a year since I've fried anything because it's so fattening. I usually bake meat or use the crock pot.

I've decided to volunteer at church for the rest of the summer, partly out of the goodness of my heart...mostly because God told me to. I didn't want to be there that much because someone (NOT the pastor) gets on my last nerve. 99% of the people on this planet can interrupt me while I'm working without unnerving me in the least, but this particular individual just grates my nerves and makes me want to scream.

Can I use the word "dork" and still be relatively holy? Pro'ly not, huh? But this man is so rude and ignorant, although I believe he does have a decent heart (just poor home training). Today he asked me, "So, how are you doin' today, Michelle?" When I replied, "good," he said, "What good are you?"

What the heck?!?!?!?! I had a million comebacks, but all I said was, "Excuse me?" and then refused to laugh at his "joke."

Yep, he's a dork.

Now God wants me to volunteer several hours in the same building with him every week for the rest of my vacation?


Today was my first day, and it was mostly productive. (Alas, he DID interrupt me several times, but I didn't beat him down. But I wanted to. Does that count?)

There is a positive side to this: My lesson plans for the first ten weeks of school are done. Yay for me!

Since I'll mostly be answering the phones and doing whatever Pastor asks me to do, I'll have plenty of time to work ahead on my lesson plans. My goal for the next week is to finish my lesson plans for the entire year. In August, I'll be able to update my website to include lesson plans so that kids who are sick or going on vacation can access them from home. Since I'm working so far ahead, I can even make some study guides.

Thanks, Lord, for letting me get so far ahead on my work for the fall! I really want to be productive this year, even if I get busy with part-time jobs. Pastor has been encouraging me lately to include you in every decision I make, so I'm asking that you give me clear guidance on what I'm supposed to do, spiritually and financially. And please help me raise me boys with discipline and love.

God, I don't want to clobber anybody, so I'm asking that you help me to be kind and friendly, even to the guy I mentioned earlier. But is it selfish to ask you to keep him away from me? Please give him a better work ethic. He's getting paid, so I am pleading with you to please make him stay out of the office and get busy doing what he's supposed to do. If not, then I pray that you make me shut up when I want to go off on him.

Lord, I pray for my church, each family represented, the finances, and the Bible studies that are currently meeting. I pray for an amazing outpouring of your Spirit Sunday, and I also pray that you will let Pastor have an enjoyable, memorable time with his family as they visit him from Illinois. Thanks for letting them get here safely, and please protect them when they leave next week. In Jesus' name, amen.


Kimberly said...

Hey Michelle, I feel like we haven't talked in a while... summer stuff's been getting in the way. How are you liking your new car? Our van is surprisingly great. Did I mention I'm NOT an minivan person? The girls and my sister and i are heading down to Bellingham, Washington in the morning to do some shopping. Lots of deals on fabric at Jo-anne's. Do you have a Jo-annes down there? I have a Michaels about 5 min from home and it's the same company, just the Canadian version. Anyway, it's late and past my bedtime.
Talk to you soon, Kim
P.S. your b-day gift is on its way - watch for it!!

Michelle said...

I LOVE my new car! I usually have air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror or in a can under the seat, but I haven't used any yet because I love that new car smell. :o)

How far away is Bellingham, Washington from where you live?

Yes, we have a Jo-anne's near our mall, and Michaels is less than 500 feet away from it in the same plaza. I usually shop at Hobby Lobby or Pat Catan's...I'll probably get your yarn from Hobby Lobby because it's a Christian store. They even play contemporary Christian music while you shop. Lovely!

My birthday gift? I haven't gotten one of those in an awfully long time. You're spoiling me, girl!

When is your birthday? You probably already told me, but I need to write it down in my planner so that I don't forget.

Happy shopping!

Kimberly said...

Our van still had that new smell too even though it's 6 years old. The lady NEVER drove it - no miles and new smell means a great deal for us!
Bellingham is about 45 minutes or so, depending on the boarder wait. I'm thinking it might be a long one today, it's Sat morning and gorgeous outside. But, just give me a coffee and I'm good to go!
Even with the long drive AND exchange AND the price of gas, it's still $worth$ it to shop down there. The same fabric I could by here would cost almost $5.00 a 1/4 meter, at Jo-annes, it's $.99-$1.50and that's a big enough saving to give me a day out of town! birthday? Thank's to my parents planning a scheduled C-Section on Sept. 2, it was (and still is) on the first day of school! Yuck for me when I was in school, woo-hoo for me now that my kids are!
I'm off... bring on the deals!

Michelle said...

HA!!!! You're so funny! A quiet day on my birthday would be wonderful. I'm not sure what I'm going to do; perhaps I'll ask my Mom to take the kids for one night.

My friend, Eddie, called last night to see what I was doing. He's a very nice man. He's a friend...that's all...and that's all he'll ever be. I don't think it's a good idea to go out with him as "friends" because it's clear he wants to "date." What do you think I should do? I don't want to hurt him, that's for sure. For now, I'm not going anywhere with him. Let me know if you think I'm wrong.

$0.99-$1.50 sounds about right. I can't believe you'd have to pay $5.00+!!! Wow...

I hope you find lots of bargains!

Enjoy your day out of town!

Kimberly said...

HI! Any oatmeal cookies left? And while we're on the subject, how is TOPS going? I hope it's all good news!
Our day in Bellingham was really fun, and I got away with spending quite a bit less than I thought I would... which is a VERY good thing right now. In other words, hubby is OK that I went. I even picked up a Christmas present for my mom and got the girls some new clothes towards school which felt good. Emily is especially hard to buy for but in the end, we both were still smiling!
Hmmm... the letting the guy down easy scenario... I guess there's always the "just tell him that you think he's great as a friend and you don't want to ruin anything" advice, or maybe the "thanks so much for your friendship, because you know I've been adjusting over the past few months to being on my own, and it's nice to have such good friends"... *Good luck*
arughhhhh!! My youngest daughter and hubby just got home from picking up milk, and she used the self check out at the grocery store and left the $15 in change in the slot!!!!! Sigh! I guess my day ended up a bit more expensive than I thought it was!
Goodnight! (I think I need a tylenol!!)

Kimberly said...

...make that $16.17. I just saw the reciept for the milk...

Michelle said...

Well, I get weighed in on Tuesday afternoon. I'm not sure I lost anything because I haven't exercised very much this week.

AND I ate 5 cookies. :o(

I'm glad your trip was such a success!

Thanks for your advice; I'm going to take it. If he calls again, I'm going to let him know that I appreciate his friendship. I might even write your words verbatim on my hand before I actually speak to him.

I'm not very close to Eddie, but I've known him for at least ten years.

My kids don't usually grocery shop for me, but my little one embarrassed me half to death one time as we were leaving. He must have been about 2 or 3 years old, and he was furious with me for not buying him the candy ("KIN-dah") he wanted. So, as we were walking past a police officer who frequently guarded the store, Jamil screamed, "She's not my mother! Help! She's not my mother!"

Perhaps I had let him watch one too many documentaries with me...

Kimberly said...

Hey, don't feel bad about the cookies, darlin'... they were oatmeal so really you just ate a little extra breakfast!

Michelle said...

You really know how to cheer a girl up!!!!
