Sometimes I amaze myself with my lack of foresight.
Let me start at the beginning...
When I was at work, my son called and said he was hungry. I told him that I was exhausted and didn't want to cook, but I'd gladly take him out to dinner in about an hour. (I had to write some quizzes for tomorrow, and then I'd be on my way home.)
Due to excessive cell phone use by students, the building I work in scrambles reception so that it's difficult to hold a conversation. Somehow I got the message that one of our members was in the hospital and might like a visit.
So...after dinner, I dropped off the kids at their respective friends' homes and headed for the emergency room. It was already 7:30 p.m. by the time I arrived, but I stayed until a little after 10:00 as moral support not only for her but her son as well. You see, her son stayed with me quite a bit when my Mom was hospitalized, and I will never forget that he did that! He has a generous heart, and tonight was simply my turn to be his friend.
It was almost 10:30 when I got home, and that's when I had the bright idea to make some cookies for my class since no one failed for the midterms.
I just finished.
And it's almost 1:00 a.m.!!!!
And I'm wide awake because I had a Diet Coke at the hospital; I forgot to check to see if it had caffeine (obviously, it did).
I made a batch of oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies, cleaned the kitchen, bagged the cookies (3 per student) after they cooled off, and washed/dried a load of clothes...all since 10:30!
Father, I was a dork tonight. Why in the world did I think I should have started such a project that late?!?!? Please help me to get up on time for work in the morning. I figured I'd get on-line, type a few ideas, and pray for a bit....hoping that I'd get sleepy in the process of all that. It's kinda sorta working!
Jesus, thank you for a wonderful day! I love you! Amen.
Kumpulan Goyangan Hot 2015
9 years ago
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