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Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Letters From War" by Mark Schultz

I just listened to this amazing song and got teary-eyed; I remember vividly the day I had to drive to the airport in Cleveland to put my husband on a plane that was the first part of his trip to Iraq for the war.

Oh my goodness...all of those emotions flooded back as I watched the video.

Thankfully, he made it back in one piece physically, but please pray for him. He's not ok mentally.

We spent the day together, though. His family reunion began at 3:00, and all of us attended it together. We had a wonderful time!

Dear God in heaven, I pray for military families everywhere!

Father, I got choked up listening to that song. It reminded me of the hell I went through as a military wife, but I'm also reminded that there are so many spouses still living through that pain and fear. Lord, please give them peace. Remove all fear, and allow them to be able to function to take care of their children until their loved ones return. Relieve their anxiety and depression, Lord. Give them joy. In Jesus' name, amen.


Kimberly said...

Hi Michelle,
I just wanted to let you how cool it's been getting to hear about you bit by bit.

I agree, this song is amazing. I feel very lucky to say that it hasn't touched me as personally as it has you.

Thank you AGAIN for sharing a part of your story! Mine is not nearly as interesting to read about as yours, but if you have any questions, ask away ;)

Anyway, good night - it was a VERY early morning (info on my blog) and I need SLEEP!

Michelle said...

Hello, my dear, sweet Canadian friend! :o)

Yesterday wasn't particularly easy.

I had to face my ex-mother-in-law, who is pretty obvious with her dislike for me. I think she actually likes being open with her rudeness; everybody (and I'm serious when I say "everybody") else at the family reunion either spoke or gave me a big hug.

She asked everyone to sign this notebook with our current addresses and phone numbers, so I did. I put my name, my kids' names, and our address. She brought that notebook back to me and said, "Put Wilson's name someplace on that."

Why? He doesn't live with me! To keep peace, though, I put his name in parenthesis. I didn't have the energy to argue with her, especially in front of so many people who have showed me nothing but love over the years.

Her behavior just made me more thankful that she's me EX-mother-in-law.

But I went to the reunion in the first place because my children are still a part of that family. I think it's important for them to maintain contact and develop relationships with folks from their Dad's side of the family...regardless of how awkward or uncomfortable I feel during that process.

And I, too, am glad that Iraq hasn't touched your life personally. War sucks. There's no nice way to say it.

When no "weapons of mass destruction" were found, I wanted to punch my president upside his head. My marriage crumbled in part because of this stupid war, and now we find out Bush was WRONG?

Due to his experiences in the war, my ex-husband has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, clinical depression, and suicidal tendencies. For what?

It's all so stupid.

On an unrelated note, I was so excited about starting this women's ministry, but my vision for it isn't the same as the one my pastor had. Now I'm a bit unsure; my confidence is almost nonexistent at the moment.

There's so much going on in this head of mine. I suppose I should just go pray about everything, eh?

Thank you, Kim, for listening. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. I'm thankful that we've met, and I'm excited that you live on the same continent. It's possible to plan a vacation for next summer; maybe we'll get to meet in person!

Have a fabulous day! I'll talk to you again very, very soon.