but I tried to save it! I used a paper plate and plastic cup to try and capture it to take it outside, but he's a swift little fellow.
If I don't find him soon, he's pro'ly going to die. He's been in my basement for quite a few days, and I've been trying to find him. Just now he landed on my bookcase, and I was sure I'd be able to grab him!
Phooey. How long can a moth live before he starves to death?
It's kind of odd, though: I will go to great lengths to save a moth, but EVERY spider gets squished. Hmmm....I can't really explain why.
I almost cut my hair today, but I simply ran out of time. It's been a hectic, tiring week, and I haven't been able to do everything I had planned to do. Tonight was the first night I did nothing. I read the Bible a little while, went grocery shopping, put everything away, and then watched a little television. I haven't relaxed like this in a long, long time.
I bought everything we need for a month except for meats; I'll make a trip to Charlane Farms tomorrow morning at 9:00. I can buy a whole cow if I want one, but it would never fit in my freezer. At most I may be able to fit 1/4 cow, but I think I'm going to mix it up; I want some chicken and fish too.
I'm planning to get up early to do my Taebo tape, go to the farm, cut my grass, and maybe go to see a play. I'm not going to meet any nice guys if I stay at home, right? Besides, some of my students are in this play. It's called "24-hour theater" because at 6:00 p.m. this evening, they started writing the play. I'm not sure if they're going to build a set, but the actors will come in tomorrow to learn their lines and run through it a couple of times. Within 24 hours, the play is written and blocked, the actors learn lines, and the cast gives a performance for a live audience.
Isn't that cool?????
If I decide not to do that, then maybe I'll catch a movie. I can drop off the kids at the mall, or maybe they'd like to see a movie too. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
Thanks, God, for a relaxing evening! Thank you for allowing me to enjoy a movie on television, and I feel so grateful to you for providing for all of my needs. I'm looking forward to spending some more time with you tomorrow, Jesus! Please continue to bless me, my family, my church, and my friends with your peace and love. In Jesus' name, amen.
Kumpulan Goyangan Hot 2015
9 years ago
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