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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What am I thankful for?

The Momma of one of my friends invited bloggers to write about at least one gift from God every day this month. I'm game! Let's see...

I'm thankful today for my boys. My kids are amazing! Yes, they are a handful at times, but they also bless me.

For instance, my son spent his lunch money on a belt. He didn't want to bother me for money, so he took it upon himself to buy what he needed at K Mart.

Isn't he sweet?????

(By the way, he was immediately reimbursed.)

My other little one, who is actually taller than me now, has a big heart too. He's quick to help me in the yard and rarely gives me any problems.

Thanks, God, for my kids! I also appreciate the opportunity to vote this week. I never want to take our democracy for granted.

I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Adios.

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