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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

busy, busy, busy

Hi (especially to Kim)! :o)

It's been a crazy week so far:

SUNDAY: It took me a little over an hour to get to the car after service because I had some opportunities to listen when a few women (one at a time of course) needed to talk. I think God's going to do some pretty cool stuff in their lives!

LABOR DAY: I watched a few minutes of the Jerry Lewis MDA telethon and then worked at church, but I didn't have enough time to finish everything I wanted to do. In the morning my buddy, Tim F., fixed a leaky hose on my central air unit AND showed me how to clean a part on my furnace [to make it work better in the fall]. Yay! And he even bought the parts to get the job done. I love him and his gorgeous wife. They rock!

TODAY: I met my students for the first time. They are awesome! Of six classes and approximately 155 kids, only one student had an attitude. One outta 155 ain't bad, eh?
The new classroom is equipped with a microphone that I wear around my neck. That is the coolest toy! I didn't have the nerve to try it until 5th period, but I'm hooked! I'll be firing up that baby every period every day!!! I'll have to remember to get a picture of all the electronic gadgets, including the mike.

When I was having a difficult time last year, my Pastor came and prayed with me. The results were amazing! After prayer, my students were behaving, I didn't need to remove anyone for inappropriate comments (profanity had been a problem), and they were all on task. I asked Pastor to come pray with me this year too, so we busted out the oil this afternoon and went to town praying for everybody who came to mind.

I left work at 5:25 and barely made it to a women's meeting for another church. I bought a ticket to a catered dinner where we watched One Night with the King. Have you ever seen that movie? I love it! It's the story of Esther, who is actually a Jew named Hadassah. I HIGHLY recommend this movie.

As I exited my car, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. At first, I thought it might be a mouse running up the side of the garage. Upon closer inspection I realized it was something else...the biggest spider I've ever seen in my life. He must have eaten a small dog for supper tonight!


This is one of those times I wish my brother lived a little closer so he could pop over and kill it for me.

Alas, there was no one to call, so I took off my sandal and smacked it.

Would you believe that sucker kept crawling?!?!?! Ewwwwwww!!!! I had to put my shoe back on and stomp before it finally died.

I itch everywhere just thinking about it!

Since I need to get to sleep soon, I'll have to think happy thoughts to push out the creepy ones. Let's see....I like rainbows....and roses (although I'm highly allergic), and Christmas lights...


Kimberly said...

Is it a little high schol for me to say something like "ewww, grodie!"

This is one of those times when you really have to question God's creativity with the inventing of the animals!

Thanks for the just-for-me post! It's good to know you're still around :)

I better get back to my stichin!

...later, Kim

Michelle said...

Hey sweetie pie!

Actually, the school is immaculate. The spider on steroids was crawling on the edge of my garage when I got home last night.

Yes, I'm around but exhausted. I knew this was going to happen, but I squeezed in something fun last night when I really should have been at home sleeping. :o)

Oh well.

Have a wonderful time today! Love you!

Sierra Leone Mission Trips said...

Glad you are off to a great start at school! I'm loving it. I have some neat students. We are making adjustments daily to the new curriculum. It is quite aggressive, so we are having to supplement with concepts the kids have forgotten over the summer. After all, we want them to succeed.

"Talk" to you soon...

Michelle said...

Hi, Beck! I can truly empathize with using supplementals. But I'm having a blast!

I'm shocked at how many of my advanced kids won't even let me walk fully into the room before they're badgering me for the day's assignment. ;o)

Enjoy your new babies!