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My boys VOLUNTARILY cleaned up the yard today! WOO HOO! Jamil cleaned the house this morning and then cut the grass, and Shaq trimmed the bushes. Wow! My boys truly blessed my heart today!They also spent the day with me: lunch, Wal*Mart, and grocery store. After I put everything away, I ended up chatting with a special friend. It looks like we'll enjoy a movie and/or dinner soon. I'm so excited! I haven't done this dating thing in 18+ years, but I'm looking forward to this new chapter in my life.In a few minutes, I will get off of the computer and make supper. But first, I wanna pray for sec:Thank you, Lord, for letting my friend and me get reacquainted with one another. It has been so long since someone has shown this kind of interest in me, and I truly appreciate feeling so beautiful! Jesus, I thank you for my health, my boys, my family, and my friends! Thank you, God, for being with me every day. I am in awe of you, and I thank you for each blessing, including my finances and emotional support lately. You are amazing! I love you, Lord, and I hope you're pleased with me. Please continue to bless each person who reads this blog, each friend in my life, and each student I will meet on Monday. In Jesus' name, amen!
As I pray for my friend, Val, to receive healing and joy, I will also pray for myself.
I'm actually extremely happy! :D
I just need God to be more clear about my purpose at church. I have never felt more disconnected!!! I thought I was supposed to work with the women, but I don't see how that's possible at the moment. I'm doing much more ministry with my on-line friends than I do at church.
On a happy note: School starts Monday! I will have meetings all day today, tomorrow, and Friday, so I'll try to pay attention. ;o) Ron Clark will be our speaker at convocation; they made a movie about him teaching in New York City. You might remember the clips that showed him learning how to double-dutch with some of his students. I saw him speak in Cleveland, and he'll probably be as hyper as ever!
My friend, Rob, stopped by my classroom yesterday. Niiice. Maybe I'll get to see him today too.
"Your Will" by Men of Standard just started playing!!! Yes, Lord, I'm staying in Your will! ;o)
Well, gotta get ready for "work." :D
1.) went to doctor - - - thumbs up!
2.) had my first pain-free afternoon in almost a week!
3.) finished getting classroom ready
4.) went to Bible study and enjoyed being loved by my friends
5.) came home, did a blog, will check e-mail, then get sleep
6.) Tomorrow is my first day of school! I'll have meetings ALL DAY for the rest of the week, but I'll get to meet my 2009-2010 students on Monday!!!!! :D
Today was incredibly stressful, but I haven't taken any headache medicine because I've already been pumping too much into my system because of this stupid infection. My head hurts big time.
I've only been on the computer for 1/2 hour today to check FB, read e-mail, and type this little message to you. In about five minutes, these contacts are comin' out and I'm jumpin' in bed. I think I'm gonna take some pain medicine, even though I was trying to wean myself off of it.
I hope you have sweet dreams!
I'm going to my friend's funeral today. We weren't "close" by any means, but I know his ex-wife and children very well. He was an ornery old fella! I chose to hug him and kiss him on the cheek every time we were in the same room, and eventually he started to like me...which is when the teasing began. :P
Sadly, he passed away, so I'm going to the service this morning. Please pray for my friend, Kathy, her children and her grandbabies. They are brokenhearted and will need lots of prayer as they grieve.
On a happier note, I will also get to spend some time working on the bulletin boards in my classroom. I also got a few books from the library, so I'm looking forward to a cup of tea and a novel this afternoon.
Best wishes for a wonderful day for you!
Normally, I'm not one to whine and complain, trying to get sympathy from everybody and her mama. I'm a "suck it up" kinda girl. I rarely miss work unless I have something horribly contagious that would make my students miserable, but I have to write this: I hurt!
I'm actually on my way out the door to go to the doctor for this horrible spider bite. My dear friend, Darlene, happens to be a nurse, and she told me to use Neosporin last night. Unfortunately, I was in the same amount of pain this morning, and the bite itself blew up and filled with puss!
I have NEVER had a bite cause as much discomfort as this one. I hope whatever bit me enjoyed the feast; otherwise, this just ain't worth it! :P
Soooooooo...I'm asking for a bit of prayer, please. I hope I didn't wait too long to see a doctor. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to make another medical bill when my other two aren't paid off. Oh well.
Have a good day!
I went to work today to get ahead on preparing for the first day of school. I:
1.) cleaned out my cabinets.
2.) threw away stuff I knew I wouldn't use.
3.) worked on making folders for each student.
4.) made all the copies I need for the first three weeks of school.
5. checked my rosters.
That's when I realized that they had accidentally put my son in my English class! :o)
I will let them know about that tomorrow. High school is hard enough without having your mother for English class! :o)
I haven't felt comfortable moving in leadership at church since I left abruptly for six weeks. In fact, I really don't want to do what I did before; it was way too stressful, and people were way too critical. It's sad, though; I really have a heart for ministry. In fact, two women said on Sunday, "You know, Michelle, you should go to school and start preaching!"
You have no idea how much I would love to do that!
But I don't have the finances for more college classes right now, and I'm not sure I want to (or am supposed to) return to leadership at my own church. We'll have to see what God says on that one.
But guess what!
Some of the women I prayed with during "The 99" want to keep in touch! I'm definitely going to keep e-mailing, praying for, and encouraging them!
That experience has helped me to be much more bold than ever about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. I was "bold" before, but not always about praying and witnessing.
That said, I have begun a mini-ministry on-line! God has been putting people on my mind, so I've been e-mailing them and praying for them that way. My goodness! The response has been amazing! Even the folks who I thought might be irritated or a little offended are totally welcoming prayer!
I'm just super duper happy right now! God is wonderful, isn't He!?!?!?!
We're having leftover chicken, but I think I'll make some homemade biscuits to go with it. I also want to make some corn on the cob. Have a great day!
Remember "The 99"? Well, I had to do follow ups with those who did not already have a church, and I finally finished this afternoon. I feel so honored to share with you that God allowed me to pray with 173 women during my experience with "The 99," and 31 of them accepted Christ for the first time!
I got to witness 31 women give their lives to the Lord for the first time!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!
If you're in town, stop by my church at 7:00 on Friday. Check out First Baptist Church for information about our pastor, programs, or directions. Have a great day!
My day began with my friend, Leon, serenading me with "Happy Birthday!" before church this morning! :D After church, mom took us to Red Lobster (HER favorite restaurant too!), and they gave me this:
Here's my cutie pie mom. She LOVES any reason to celebrate with family!
And these two knuckleheads are my beloved children, Jamil and Shaquille. It's my birthday, for goodness' sake! Can't they be serious and let me take a nice picture of them just this once?!?!?
This is a gal from church. She's a friend of my boys, and I love her to pieces! My mom likes her too, so she invited Trisha to my birthday dinner. We had such fun!
Shaq took this picture of Trisha while I was driving to dinner.
I tried to take my boys to lunch last week, but Jamil already had plans to help Grandma in the yard. So it was just me and Shaq, who refused to get his picture taken.
Shaq took this one of me. We're not the best photographers, but we're trying!!!! :D
I've lost a little weight since my surgery, partly by watching what I eat and partly but stopping when I've had enough. I never stuff myself anymore; on this particular day, I was finished with this cookie...
...and it actually made Shaq mad! He kept saying, "Mom, eat that! It's only a little bite!"
It was comical how he was joking yet VERY serious about that! I didn't want any more, though.
It's been a long day. I'm going to check a couple of e-mails and then head to bed. There's some work I want to get done in the office at church, but I'd like to finish before Pastor gets back from vacation. I don't want to disturb him while he's trying to work. Have a good one!
When I heard the doorbell, I thought it was my son who had forgotten his key for the umpteenth time.
Imagine my surprise when 4 humungous, bullet-proof-vest-wearing members of the S.W.A.T. team were standing on my porch! My heart skipped a beat, but I new instantly they were after my ex-husband.
Apparently, he has several outstanding warrants for his arrest. My youngest son saw them surround the house and tried to call me, but I was already outside talking to them when the phone (which was downstairs and out of earshot) rang. He was terrified when he saw men at each corner of my house with their hands on the weapons!
Oh boy....
I think my heart rate is finally back to normal...(breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...)
Geez. I NEVER get in trouble, and seeing 3 unmarked vehicles barely fitting in my driveway and on the street near my home freaked me out!!! I was frustrated earlier today about some paperwork at my job that is driving me crazy and may affect my first two paychecks of the school year, but this experience has reminded me that things could always be worse!
I'm off to play Tetris for a little while.
I hope YOU have a peaceful, relaxing day!
I've recently been reconnecting with some friends from years ago, and this experience has been wonderful. I have had to pace myself, though; I could easily spend way too much time on the computer and ignore my chores.
Today was a little productive after I was a bum and slept in until 11:30 a.m.! :D I cooked for my hungry boys, cleaned the kitchen, and did five loads of laundry.
In about 10 minutes I'm going to get some much-needed sleep. Have a good night!
It's 2:10 a.m., and I have to get up in six hours so that all three of us have equal time in the bathroom to get ready for church.
Why am I still awake?
Because I have discovered Facebook.
I have also discovered that Shaq has had a facebook account since he was 12...
...and he has told the world that he was born in 1992. (Um...I actually gave birth to him in 1993, but what's a year?)
I LOVE finding friends I haven't spoken to in years, and it's thrilling to get messages from them. It's fascinating to see how they've changed over the years. Some folks look just as they did when we were in high school.
But now, I must get off this computer and get some sleep. Enjoy the Lord's day tomorrow (! May the Lord bless you. Sweet dreams!
I went to "the 99" once again, but I was running a bit late because I had to feed my boys first. I was also tired from a long night with little sleep, so I was rushing out the door...
...and didn't realize until my Pastor made a comment that I had two totally different kinds of sandals on my toes.
I also had forgotten my jacket, and I was freezing! So I rushed home when we had a break so that I could look like someone with a bit of spiritual authority to pray for folks (instead of a goofball who can't even dress herself).
Tomorrow is another day...I'll try to get it right! :D
I had a bit of an exciting evening, so I wanted to listen to one of my favorite songs. "The Prayer," with Josh Groban helps me relax, and tonight I needed a bit of help winding down to get to sleep.
It's number 69 if you'd like to hear it.
Goodnight, all.
I met these women tonight, and they blessed my socks off!
Tanna is an extremely outgoing, lovable gal who chatted with me during The 99.
Sharon is a woman I prayed for, but I was surprised when she launched into her own, anointed prayer for ME when I finished!!! Wow!!!!
I am exhausted, or I'd write a lot more. Sweet dreams!
Our pastor was the only guy who showed up for Bible study tonight, and we were, *ahem*, a bit out of hand. He knows we love him, though! :o)
Have you ever had a perfect day?
Today was one of those days when everything falls into place perfectly. I started my day by worshiping the Lord and enjoying his presence...then I wrote paper #2...went to church to organize the office a bit...chatted and prayed with Pastor, came home and cut the grass...made supper and ate with Jamil (Shaq was at a friend's house)...went to Bible study, visited with my mom for a while and then came home.
Today was balanced with work and recreation, responsibilities and a bit of fun!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow!!!! :o)
I just e-mailed both of my papers for my grad class, and I'm officially done!!!!!
I think I'll treat my self to something nice, like a book from Borders. Have a good day!
I finished one paper for my grad class!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!
I will work on paper #2 when my brain can handle it...probably Wednesday morning. I'm sure I'll get an A, but it's still so time consuming.
I will let myself relax this evening by reading while enjoying some refreshing ice water with fresh lemon juice. It's supposed to cleanse the system, and I love it! Yummo!
I'm working on keeping my about you? :D
Let me confess something to you: I have been running from leading a women's ministry in my church.
Did I mention that God was not impressed with my tantrum? :D Since I ran, he had to chase me down....and plop several ministry opportunities in my lap simultaneously.
Ladies, I am sooooooooooo excited!!!!! I just spent an hour worshiping the Lord and praying, and the Holy Spirit hugged me the whole time! Woo hoo!
So I called my Pastor to broach the subject (women's ministry) and share a little bit of what God has been speaking to me, so we're going to talk about that tomorrow.
I can't wait to see what God is up to!!!
Any prayer requests? I'm in the mood to do some serious prayin' in the days to come, and I'd love to include your name! :o) If you're going through something traumatic, please know that you are NOT alone! Keep your chin up; God loves you bunches!!!
I spent my Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings ministering to people who've never had a relationship with the Lord. I also prayed for some folks who were already Christians but had some prayer requests.
I also had a pleasant surprise! After I prayed with one young lady, she said, "You are an amazing prayer warrior! Now let me pray for you..."
She hit on some personal issues that I definitely struggle to handle, but she didn't know me at all. That's how I know God was moving! And the atmosphere was so charged with the love of God! If I remember correctly, "The 99" has successfully worked with folks from 30 area churches to lead almost 3,000 people to the Lord over a period of 6 days! WOOO HOOO!!!!!
You have no idea how this experience has humbled me.
Yes, I have been praying for people for several years, but I had only led a couple of folks to the Lord before this experience. I haven't counted, but I think I've had the privilege of personally leading at least 50 people to Jesus Christ!!!! I'm so excited! I am definitely going to be much more bold in the future.
We aren't allowed to take pictures, or I'd give you a tour. :o) Keep your eyes open; if "The 99" comes to your city, GO!!! Volunteer to do make-up, counsel lost souls, act in the realistic theater productions, make reminder phone calls to the volunteers, or help in any way you feel you can contribute. I guarantee your life will be more fulfilling if you do! God bless!
P. S. : If you have no idea what it means to be "saved" and have questions about salvation, PLEASE leave a comment! I'd love to talk to you about it!