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Monday, April 13, 2009

Wonders never cease...

My ex called today.

He wanted me to pick him up, take him to the bank, let him give me $150 (even though he already gave me $140 a week ago), and then take him back home.

No strings attached.

I asked, "You don't expect to come here? I'm still a bit tired, and I don't want company right now."

He simply wanted to help me with the boys. S. and I got to meet his new puppy whose paws are enormous. He is definitely going to grow to be a huge dog (lab and pit bull). He has gorgeous gray/blue eyes and a friendly, playful temperament - - - I received lots of kisses within the span of a two minutes! ;o)

My son went with me. He's healing from a nasty spill on the skateboard, and his hand is still raw, his knees are beginning to scab, and the swelling on his head has gone down. I asked him to stay awake as long as possible and keep the ice on; I wanted him to stay up until at least 4:00 a.m., so he stayed up until 5:00 when I got up for prayer this morning.

He's such a good boy! The swelling is completely gone, but he's got some interesting pink designs on the side of his head.

Child #2 also got a bit aggressive with some neighborhood boys who are too ghetto for his liking. They wanted to come to our house and be their normal destructive, bullying selves, but J. wasn't in the mood. He told them, "I hope ya'll don't think you're comin' over here. You're not allowed. I said so."

He's transforming into a strong, bold young man before my eyes. I'm so proud of him!

I suppose the boys have felt a bit protective of me for years (since my ex left us). They have probably felt like the "men" of the house since they were small. I can't help but feel a bit guilty about that, even though I know it's not my fault. In fact, it's impossible to force a man (yes, even a husband) to show love to you and his children.

Let's pray:

Lord, thank you for the gift of my boys! I have tried my best to raise them with a love for You. Father, I can't watch them every time they step out of the house, but You can! Please keep them safe! Continue to equip them as leaders and not followers! Help them to make positive choices in their lives, and let them feel comfortable talking to me about everything, just as they do now.

I appreciate the opportunity to be their mother, Lord! I ask that you give me wisdom and guidance as they enter manhood; I don't always know how to teach them to be men of God, but I'm doing the best I can. I trust the rest to be done by you and the men in their lives who are following your ways.

Thank you, Lord, for my kids! In Jesus' name, amen.

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