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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Leonard...I love you!

My nephew, Leonard, popped in from Florida for a mini-vacation. He copied all of his "family" files for me, so I decided to share a few with you tonight. This first little guy is our beloved Jazz when he was a puppy. Doesn't he look ornery?

This guy is King, my Mom's dog. He's part beagle and German shepherd. Weird combo, but he's so lovable!

King is chillin' by Mom's bed. I just wanted to give some perspective at how big he really is....pretty intimidating if you aren't a fan of dogs in the first place, eh?

This is me and my baby! Isn't Shaq cute? This was taken a year ago; he's even taller now!

My son, Jamil, is such a handsome fella! He's always smiling...just like this! :o)

I'm sitting next to my 6'2" tall nephew, Leonard. (Your aunt thanks you again for these pics!) I'm seriously thinking of getting my hair cut this short again. What do you think? By the way, the shirt I'm wearing is actually a Christian one: it says, "Just one drop." The blood of Jesus is precious, isn't it?

Aren't my cabinets icky? The 4th picture is their happier, peachy color. (This is what my hair looks like now.)

This was taken five years ago. I was taller than my children then. Where did the time go?

My Mom and Leonard strike a pose in my parents' home. Can't beat that 70's wood paneling! ;o)

I hope you enjoyed these pics as much as I did! I promise to share more with you soon. I'm off to go do poetry homework. Goodnight!


Kimberly said...

Yay! Pictures!!

Good lookin' fam you have there my friend! All those beautiful brown eyes!

We've traced my family history on my mom's side... her grandfather (her dad's dad) was the child of first generation slaves who came to Canada and settled in Nova Scotia. I guess that back in those days, interracial marriage was a no-no and as a result, there is only one picture existing of my great-grandfather. Any others were destroyed. Black and white pictures of my mom's family when she was a little girl are really neat... both she and my grandpa show as being black and the rest are extremely white. It's so great to have those pictures and be able to share them with my own girls.

Anyhoo... thanks for sharing! Love your hair both ways... and that gorgeous skin - I'm jealous! I still break out like a 13 year old once a month!
Have a great weekend!

Michelle said...

What a cool background! Sadly, my parents had a rough time with racism too. When my mom had her first child (my sister), they didn't have a car. When they were going home on the bus, my mom had to sit in the front taking care of the baby while my dad was forced to sit in the back.

Thank God things aren't as tense today!

As to my skin: I itch! The doctor said I may have been allergic to the anesthesia, and I had two surgeries within three weeks. Now it feels like there are a hundred mosquito bites on my face, back, and arms...