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Saturday, July 18, 2009

moments of reflection

I had quite a wonderful opportunity this weekend to reflect on my behavior, mentality, and attitude as a woman of God, and I have to say that I liked what I experienced. Yes, there were some intense moments when the Lord allowed some residual pain to surface, but I've dealt with it, and so has God. Here are some affirmations that I will try to remember in the weeks to come:

1. God made me; therefore, I am precious. I don't have to do good works to get His attention. He loves me already!

2. I have the power to forgive, even when folks don't even want my forgiveness. The act of forgiving offenses is for MY benefit too!

3. There is a reason that God has me where I am at this time during this season of my life. It is not my place to ask, "Why, Lord?" All I need to do is be obedient and wait for further instructions!

4. I want to be accountable. Although I have only recently begun to get to know Iva, she has already agreed to be one of my accountability partners - - - she'll keep an eye on my behavior and attitude, and I'm so grateful to her for that.

5. I want to be the woman God is calling me to be right now. I want to be a bright light that draws folks toward God's love! I want to bring peace to every relationship I have! I will try very hard not to inflict pain; instead, others will feel better after knowing me, in Jesus' name! Amen!


Daphine said...

Great list of reflections! I can relate to them all!

Blessings sweet friend!

Michelle said...

I'm going to try to be a better woman. I wasn't necessarily "bad" before, but I did question the Lord often.

I suppose my main goal is not to be a pain in the patooty to anyone! :o)

marie said...

Beautifully worded reflections ~ and obviously heartfelt!

Kimberly (brown bag studios) mentioned your blog on her's so I thought I'd stop by to visit!