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Saturday, June 21, 2008

I woke up smiling!

What a nice way to start the day!

I'm still bursting with joy from last night. (Thank you, Lord!)

Today I will finish cleaning my house, make a batch of chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies that I've been promising the boys (since I gave most of the last batch away), finish the bulletin for Sunday, run a worship team rehearsal at church, and then spend 5:00-11:00 at the amphitheater downtown with my boys to watch an Aerosmith tribute band.

This time, though, I will be covered in insect repellent since we will be on a river bank. I'm still itching from mosquito bites from last weekend!

As a middle school student, I loved nothing more than to go to the bookstore and search for the perfect novel. I can never have too many books! Unfortunately, though, they are all over my basement and bedroom (which is part of my cleaning project today), and I'm trying to get everything organized from when life was hectic for me last month. To be honest, I think I'll need tomorrow and Monday to completely get things back in order.

Among the clutter, I found a book called Boundaries in Dating. I purchased it a year or two ago, but I had forgotten all about it. My mentality was a bit different then; I wasn't actually interested in dating yet since I was still in the process of getting divorced. By 3:14 a.m., I could barely keep my eyes open, so I only read half of it. Perhaps I'll finish it tomorrow afternoon.

Well, God, I am so full of appreciation for the many blessings I've seen over the last week! God, how can I ever thank you enough? I was worrying like crazy over some stuff, but now I realize that you were in control all along. Thank you for removing depression and loneliness! I enjoy your company, and I hope you stay with me all day. In Jesus' name, amen.


Kimberly said...

Hi Michelle, Wow! It sounds like you have a very busy weekend planned out! I can relate... we're counting down the days till school lets out... now if it would just start acting like summer!
Have a great weekend!
Take care, Kimberly

Michelle said...

Kim, when is the last day of school for you guys? Wow...We've been out for two weeks!

In fact, summer school starts on Tuesday. I split a contract with another teacher so that we could both have a nice chunk of time off this summer. My turn is the first half of the session (Tuesday through the middle of July).

I hope you have a great weekend too!

Kimberly said...

Hey Michelle, I'm off to bed soon... I've been fighting a flu for the past few days.
We have 4 more days of school (grades 3 and 5)and like I said, the weather SUCKS!! I can't remember a more dreary, miserable Spring!
And what you said about your computer on your newest post had me rolling! Ours has some pretty major issues too and my love/hate relationship with it has been seriously leaning in the hate direction lately! I think it had a stroke or something... it seems to be our luck... last year it was the Jeep that had the stroke - everything, and I mean everything on the left side went at once! Not fun.
Anyway, I'll talk to you again soon.

Michelle said...

Hi Kim!!! mentioned "Jeep" and my heart went pitter-patter!

I LOVED my Jeep! But alas, it too had some problems. I currently drive a 2006 G6. It's a nice car, but I felt like I was driving a toy when I first got in the driver's seat three years ago.

I am short (hence my blog's name), and I miss being able to see several cars ahead of me.

Girl, I should be in bed RIGHT NOW. I was told to go to bed two hours ago when I was on the phone with someone, but I'm stubborn. [He was right, of course, and I will pay dearly in the morning when I try to get up for church.]

Sweet dreams, my friend! I am going to hit the sack momentarily too. God bless!